LDAP integration with KPOINT
It is possible to corporate users to login to KPOINT using their corporate user-ids and passwords. For this purpose, you need to integrate KPOINT with your LDAP server.
This requires you to fill in appropriate parameters using KPOINT’s site administration menu. You need to configure the following:
Here are the details:
Basic configuration
Host :*(Name or IP address of LDAP server)
Port :*(LDAP server connection port)
Master user dn:*(For an user having READ access over given LDAP tree, either provide his 'complete DN' or provide his ldap login id in the form of 'loginid@ldapdomain')
Master user password :*( Give valid password for the master user.)
User entries related configuration
Base dn:*(The LDAP tree node covering all needed users and groups. It should cover at least all needed users.)
User objectclass:*(Object class used for all user entries.)
Email attribute:*(Email attribute name from an user entry.)
Display name attribute:*(You may specify one or more attributes from an user entry, separated by comma. The display name will be generated by combining the values of those attributes separated by space.)
Login attribute:*(Login attribute name from an user entry.)
Group entries related configuration
Group base dn :( The LDAP tree node covering all needed groups. Skip this provided Base dn also covers groups.)
Group objectclass :*( Object class used for all group entries.)
Group name attribute :*( The attribute from group entry giving its unique name.)
Group email attribute :*( Email attribute name from a group entry.)
Group description attribute :*( Description attribute name from a group entry.)
Group membership attribute :*( The attribute name from a group entry which gives list of its members.)
Other information
Security group dn :( DN of a security group. Any login attempt to this domain will be verified against this given security group for its membership.)
Below are the sample configuration attached.
Please contact helpdesk@kpoint.com for any further queries