This document explains the changes in the top menu and navigation in KPOINT as part of the new and improved author experience. Following is a summary of the changes:
As part of the new author experience, there is an improved and easy-to-use top menu and navigation. The top menu contains the following simple actions that a user can do on the portal:
Viewers can explore content on the portal by browsing through the list of videos, playlists, channels or events. This option is available to all user roles
Authors can bring content on the portal via various ways using the ‘Create’ feature. The landing page for Create provides various options like Upload video, Import video or create video using KPOINT creation tools. Users can create a playlist. It also enables admins to create channels and events.
Authors can manage their content using this option. All videos, playlists, channels for which the user is an owner will be listed in these pages. Authors can edit, delete or manage content.
This option is available for users with the siteadmin role. All the functions of siteadmin can be found under the admin menu, including portal management (users and groups management, configure logi), domain content management and domain analytics.
There is an icon for search that can be used to search any content on the video using KPOINT’s powerful search algorithm.
1. Where is the upload icon?
KPOINT now has a single landing page for all creation activities. So the author can click on ‘Create’ menu option from the top menu bar,
and see all available options to create content. The first option here is the most commonly used, to upload videos onto the portal.
2. Where is the Projects menu option? How do I launch Studio?
KPOINT Studio is the creation tool provided for all authors to create self paced videos with advanced capabilities like merging clips, editing and trimming, adding notes, preview of video, annotating video with callouts and text, and much more.
Click on the ‘Create’ menu option from the top menu bar and see all available options to create content. The ‘Launch Studio’ card can be used to create a new Studio project or the link on the button of the card for ‘All Projects’ can be used to navigate to the Projects listing page.
3. Where is the Live menu option?
Live menu is now distributed into the respective menu options for creating and managing the Live events.
4. Where do I see my notifications and ToDos?