How can I provision multiple users in bulk?

How can I provision multiple users in bulk?

KPOINT has bulk user creation facility to allow easy provisioning of multiple users on your KPOINT domain. KPOINT requires the inputs to be provided in comma separated CSV format.

Steps to create a CSV

There will be 3 fields in each record in the given sequence: Email, Displayname, Role

All fields will be separated by a single comma as shown in the examples below.

Each record will be on a new line.

Maximum 1000 users allowed.

Only Email field is compulsory in every record.

Default value of Displayname field will be the email string.

Default value of the Role field will be default role of that organization.

e.g.,Leopard King,Viewer,,Creator,,,Sachin Tendulkar,

After you have created the CSV file in the appropriate format, please sign in to your KPOINT domain as a KPOINT site administrator and perform the following steps:

1. Select Manage > Users > Import users 

2. Click Upload and select the .csv file.

This creates accounts for each of the users. The users are informed about their KPOINT access details over email. In case of incorrect format in the .csv file or detection of any error in provisioning, KPOINT sends a relevant message to the site administrator giving the details.