This document shows the steps needed in order to publish a video on the KPOINT portal.
KPOINT let’s you bring content to the portal in various ways like:
Whichever way is chosen, the author needs to specify how the video should be published by specifying visibility settings.
1. Quick upload and publish
The new and improved author experience provides a way to upload and update the visibility settings while waiting for the video to upload. Once the video is processed it is automatically published and will be available to the specified audience. The author does not need to visit the ‘Manage videos’ page and update settings later.
This quick upload and publish is useful in cases where the videos are to be published quickly and the author does not need to add highlights, generate transcripts or add interactivity. Example, a short meeting recording that needs to be quickly shared with the team.
2. Publish using video settings (Workbench) after video is processed
In cases where the video needs to be enriched by adding highlights, enable transcripts, add interactivity to the video by means of a quiz or pop-question, etc. For all such post processing activities, the author can use the video settings page also called the ‘Workbench’.
a. From the top menu, go to Manage->Videos
b. This is a listing of all the videos that you have uploaded, imported or created.
c. Click on the ‘Settings’ icon and you will see the video Workbench.
d. Click on the ‘Distribution’ option, and update the visibility settings as required. This will let you publish the video to the desired audience.
You can update various settings and enrich your video using the Workbench. Providing an appropriate title, description, adding highlights and transcripts make your video more searchable.
This section lets you update information about the video like Title, description, thumbnail and related topics.
Add highlights (which are like markers or chapters) to the video to help viewers jump to the relevant section quickly.
Generate and enable transcript for the video so that the viewers can see closed captions while viewing the videos. Transcripts can be generated in various languages as supported on your domain.
Add a quiz at the start or end of the video or add a pop-up question anywhere in the video. You can also add a feedback form by specifying the form URL from SurveyMonkey or Google forms.
This section lets you control how the video should be published. You can specify who can watch this video by selecting specific users or groups, or all logged in users or sharing with everyone. By default, the video is shared only with the author, so this visibility has to be set for publishing the video.
While sharing with all logged in users, if external users are also a part of your portal, and the video needs to be shared with all users, then select the option: 'Include users who are not part of the organization'.
Selecting ‘Everybody’ makes the video accessible publicly without login.
You can also specify a channel where this video is to be published. A video can be published as part of multiple channels.
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