How to record a video with Picture-in-picture using Studio

How to record a video with Picture-in-picture using Studio


KPOINT Studio helps you create a more engaging viewer experience by combining video with other forms of content displayed on a screen.

You can add a camera overlay over the screen in one of your clips. This is useful in creating training videos, review videos or sending video messages to your team members, personalized with a camera overlay.


How to record a video with Picture-in-picture using Studio?

  • Create a new Project in Studio or open an existing project to edit.
  • There are various options to record a new clip. Select the option for ‘Camera + Screen’


  •  At this point, the recording has not started, so you can adjust your camera. Reposition or resize the camera window as needed. 
  • Click on the ‘Start recording’ button once you have adjusted the camera
  • Choose your sharing option for the screen and click on the ‘Share’ button
  • A 5 second timer will be activated to give you time to navigate to the screen you want to show in the video
  • When you are on the screen, you will not see the camera window on top. However, it will get recorded with the video.
  • In case you wish to change the position or size of the camera window at any point, you can go back to the recording screen and change it.
  • On the same screen, you can pause and resume recording or stop once it is completed
  • When you stop recording, you can see the preview of the video.
  • Add the clip to the Raw assets and then to Timeline
  • Once the clip is added to the timeline, you can edit it. Remove the unwanted parts from the clip and ‘Save’.
  • You can further create more clips and then Export the video

Go to the ‘Manage videos’ page to check the status and update Distribution settings to share the video with the desired users