How to upload a video

How to upload a video

The following video will give an overview of how to upload videos on to KPOINT portal


This document lists the steps to upload a video on the KPOINT portal. The new and improved author experience on kPoint provides the following benefits:

  • Upload multiple videos at a time and check the progress
  • While you wait for the videos to be uploaded you can add information and set the publish visibility of the videos. This enables a quick upload without having to go to the ‘Manage videos’ page later. 

How to upload a video

The ‘Create’ menu option on KPOINT shows a list of options using which you can bring content on the portal - including uploading a video, importing a video or recording a video using the creation tools on KPOINT. Let us take a look at the steps to upload an existing video onto the portal

 1. Click on ‘Create’ menu on the home page or any page while on the portal


  2. Click on the Upload card on the icon to upload the video


  3. This is the upload page. You can either click on the ‘Select’ button and choose the video file (or files) to upload, or simply drag and drop files on the page.

  4. The videos will start uploading and you will see their status. If you navigate away from this page while the videos are uploading, the upload operation will not be completed

  5. Once the videos are uploaded, they will be processed and the status will be seen as ‘Processing’


  6. While you wait for the videos to be processed, you can click on the ‘Settings’ icon for a video


7. You will see the ‘Quick Settings’ panel on the right


 8. Add a title, description and also the visibility of the video that will decide how the video will be published.

 9. Once the video is processed, an email will be sent to the users with whom you have shared the video. 

 10. For a processed video, a ‘Preview’ icon will appear using which you can view the video.



 11. After the videos are uploaded, you can go to ‘My videos’ anytime, and use the advanced settings to further enrich the video with highlights, generate a transcript, add a quiz or a pop question and much more.